The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the fall migration of 2007 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 25th August 2007. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

September 29 [Day 33] Today was the first Crowsnest Pass Eagle Festival and it was greeted by steady snow until late morning, and the mountain ridges remained obscured until 1530. Despite the weather a group of RMERF members were on the ridge just after noon and were joined by many others until 22 of us were enjoying the just above freezing temperatures and the west winds that gradually increased to over 30 km/h. We were rewarded by the first ever Short-eared Owl at the site, and 85th species for the season, which migrated south along the ridge at 1434, and even before the Livingstone range to the north had cleared a male American Kestrel and a Sharp-shinned Hawk had made their way south. When the mountains finally cleared there was a small movement of accipiters and a single juvenile Golden Eagle and, late in the day, the now expected Peregrine Falcon. There were enough non-raptor species around to make it interesting, the views were spectacular as ever and despite the weather a splendid time was had by all. 6.75 hours (366.02) SSHA 3 (547), COHA 3 (152), GOEA 1 (657), AMKE 1 (37), PEFA 1 (25) TOTAL 9 (1785)

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