The South Livingstone Raptor Count for the fall migration of 2007 has now begun. First official day of counting began on 25th August 2007. Follow the daily movement of raptors on this blog updated daily by Peter Sherrington.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17 [Day 50] It was a cool (0C to 4C) windy (W gusting 35 to 55 km/h) day but with a magnificent sky of altostratus, cirrus and cumulus cloud for most of the day that made both detection and identification of high-flying raptors relatively easy. Raptors of only 5 species moved from 0827 to 1841 but compared to the last six days the flow was sporadic and usually involved single birds suggesting that the main movement of the season is now running out of steam. Peak movement was 31 birds between 1300 and1400 but no other hour produced more than 19 migrants. Passerine movement was also thin but included 2 Purple Finches, 60 Grey-crowned Rosy Finches and the first Snow Buntings of the season (bird species #94): a flock of 8 flying past the site at 1004. 12 hours (561.94) BAEA 12 (203), SSHA 19 (1157), COHA 2 (186), NOGO 8 (71), GOEA 131 (3652) TOTAL 172 (5736)

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